Person Responsible: Analyst
2.1 After the payment has been captured the system sends the BBBEE Measurement Form– HR/CPF/008, the Notification Letter and the BBBEE Verification Methodology and Process HR/CPPRO/001 to the client.
2.2 Should the client require a Briefing Session, the client requests HC for one. These briefing sessions are conducted on Friday mornings at the HC office. Confirmation of attendance is sent to the BBBEE Co-ordinator, and the briefing session is conducted by one of the analysts. A briefing session explains the rating industry, the verification process and methodology, the evidence that is required, and the BBBEE Measurement Form.
2.3 The Client is given 20 (Twenty) working days for Broad-based and 20 (Twenty) working days for QSE clients to return the BBBEE Measurement Form and the ‘Supporting Evidence’ to Honeycomb. In instances where the client is unable to collate the evidence within this time period, the analyst will agree to extend said time period. In exceptional circumstances, the analyst will also meet with the client to explain the documents required for each one of the 5 elements. Honeycomb will also accept any outstanding documentation that is submitted at the on-site visit.
2.4 On receipt of BBBEE Measurement Form – HR/CPF/008 and the documentation from the client, the Analyst must peruse all documentation, and ensure that the BBBEE Measurement Form has been completed by the client. Should the BBBEE Measurement Form be incomplete, the Analyst will request completion from the client. If the BBBEE Measurement Form is complete, the BBBEE Co-ordinator will schedule the on-site visit with the client a minimum of 5 days from the receipt of the complete file.
2.5 On acceptance of the Measurement Form from the client the analyst will print a hard copy of the claim made for each element. These hard copies will be signed and accepted by the client as their claim towards BBBEE being verified by Honeycomb.
2.6 The evidence file and BBBEE Measurement Form is handed over to the assigned Analyst. If there are any documents outstanding, a request is made by sending the Client Request Additional/Missing Information for any outstanding documents. The client must provide such documentation within 3 working days. If the client does not provide the documentation, such documentation will be received and reviewed at the on-site visit. A copy of the email will be placed in the manual file.
2.7 Based on the evidence file and BBBEE Measurement Form the Analyst prepares a Verification Plan, HR/CPF/007 and sends it to the client. The plan establishes the time required for the on-site visit, as well as the operational systems that will be tested and communicates this to the client. This plan will comply with Honeycomb’s Sampling Procedure HR/CPPRO/004, and agrees the plan with the Client. All the correspondence on such agreement with the client must be kept by the Analyst.
2.8 A signed copy of the Verification Plan or e-mail confirmation will be filed in the client manual file.