Large enterprises with annual revenue greater than R50 million, foreign companies and multi-national corporations need to be measured according to the BBBEE scorecard. 

Get BBBEE-certified so you can compete for larger contracts in South Africa and grow your business.

Large Enterprises and BEE:

Large enterprises need to comply with each of the 5 elements of the BBBEE scorecard. These elements that you will be measured on are:


  • Ownership
  • Management Control
  • Skills Development
  • Enterprise and Supplier Development
  • Socio-Economic Development

Foreign-Owned Companies and Multi-National Corporations:

Foreign-owned companies trading in South Africa generally don’t meet black-ownership requirements of the BBBEE scorecard. To be competitive and capitalise on business opportunities, foreign companies must seek compliance through:


  • Sale of equity (10% to 51%)
  • Participation in an Equity Equivalent Investment Programme
  • Maximising total measured procurement
    spend (TMPS) on preferential procurement suppliers

Start your BBBEE journey with us

Honeycomb BEE promises good practice and extensive knowledge of BBBEE. We uphold what is written in law and gazetted, helping you to truly transform your business with BEE verification services

Contact Us

    Head Office


    0861 HONEYCOMB (466 392 662)

    (011) 880 1630


    086 520 5064


    27 14th Avenue