Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs) can submit a sworn QSE Affidavit to certify their over 51% Black ownership structure and qualify for level 2 or level 1 BBBEE recognition.

Qualifying Small Enterprise Affidavits

Businesses with annual turnover of between R10 million and R50 million are defined as Qualifying Small Enterprises, and need to be verified according to a sector-specific BBBEE scorecard, except where black ownership exceeds 51%.

QSEs with 51% to 99% black ownership qualify for BBBEE Level 2, while 100% black-owned companies qualify for Level 1.

In these cases, you can submit a sworn QSE Affidavit to certify your ownership structure and qualify for higher procurement recognition.

Download a Qualifying Small Enterprise affidavit for your business:

QSE DTI-General Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Specialised Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Financial Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Agriculture Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Forestry Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Legal Sector Code Affidavit

QSE MAC Sector Code Affidavit

QSE MAC Public Relation Sector Code Affidavit

QSE ICT Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Property Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Property Asset Based Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Property Estate Agents Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Property Service Based Sector Code Affidavit

QSE Tourism Sector Code Affidavit

What you need to know before completing an QSE BEE affidavit

Valid for 12 months

Like any BBBEE certificate, your BBBEE affidavit is valid for one year from the date it is stamped by a commissioner of oaths.

Who must complete the affidavit?

Only directors or members of the entity requesting verification can complete the affidavit – no third parties.

Accurate shareholder information

Be completely transparent in your affidavit as providing incorrect shareholder information is a criminal offence.

Start your BBBEE journey with us

Honeycomb BEE promises good practice and extensive knowledge of BBBEE. We uphold what is written in law and gazetted, helping you to truly transform your business with BEE verification services

Contact Us

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    0861 HONEYCOMB (466 392 662)

    (011) 880 1630


    086 520 5064


    27 14th Avenue